This portfolio seeks to provide long-term growth by investing in an asset allocation ETF that holds passive ETFs with exposure to global publicly traded equity securities.
The minimum initial investment amount for this portfolio is $100.
Appropriate for clients with long-term time horizons and aggressive risk profiles
Opportunity for growth
Liquidity when you need your money
Cost-effectiveness due to low expenses
Simplified understanding compared to other strategies
Access to a diversified portfolio with a lower minimum investment through a fund of funds approach
Tax efficiency through fewer trades in an account
Capital risk
Exchange Traded Funds Risks
Market risk
These are just some of the risks of investing. You can learn more about these risks, and other risks of investing, in our Help Centre here.
MER: 0.30%
MER stands for Management Expense Ratio. Like every other investment, you pay built-in MER fees to the company providing the investment, not to CI Direct Investing. You won’t see this money deducted from your account, but we thought you should know about it.