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Support Home Security Security Is my money protected? CI Direct Investing has selected one or more of the following companies to act as… Do you have access to my funds? No. We act only in an advisory capacity and do not have direct access to your mon… How do I know I can trust CI Direct Investing? CI Direct Investing is a registered Portfolio Manager across Canada and regulated… What is Two-Step Sign-In Verification? Two-step verification (AKA Two-factor authentication) is available to help protec… How Do I Set Up Two-Step Sign-In Verification? (2FA) The first time you sign-in to CI Direct Investing, you'll be asked to set up two-… How Do I Disable Two-Step Sign-In Verification? (2FA) Disabling two-step verification is easy following these steps: 1) Login and go to… Data Portability What is Data Portability? The right to portability allows any person to obtain co…